Canine Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreatic Disease

Canine Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreatic Disease

79,00 €

Diseases of the liver and pancreas can cause a degree of despair in veterinary practitioners: so much about the causes and treatments of these diseases is poorly understood, and too many cases remain idiopathic. This book guides both first and second opinion practitioners through clinical assessments and workups, preventing oversight of potential underlying causes. Subsequent sections meticulously delve into pancreatic and liver diseases, encompassing clinical pathology, imaging, biopsy acquisition, cytology, and histology, all expertly elucidated by specialists.


Diseases of the liver and pancreas can cause a degree of despair in veterinary practitioners: so much about the causes and treatments of these diseases is poorly understood, and too many cases remain idiopathic. Nonetheless, over recent years, clinical research makes clear that logical workup and treatment of clinical cases really can significantly impact both the quality and duration of life. There are very few, if any, clinical signs that are pathognomonic for liver or pancreas diseases, and the clinician must consider differential diagnoses for presenting signs. The first section of the Canine Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Diseases with problem-orientated algorithms guides both first and second opinion practitioners through clinical assessments and workups, preventing oversight of potential underlying causes. The subsequent sections meticulously delve into pancreatic and liver diseases, encompassing clinical pathology, imaging, biopsy acquisition, cytology, and histology, all expertly elucidated by specialists. Loaded with informative algorithms, tables, figures, and videos, this book caters to the needs of busy veterinary practitioners.

100 Produits

Fiche technique

Penny Watson
Page count
Trim size
22 × 28 cm
Pub date
June 2024

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