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Retreatment. Solutions for apical diseases of endodontic origin - Book Cover - Dentistry Book Retreatment. Solutions for apical diseases of endodontic origin - Book Cover - Dentistry Book


Prix 169,00 €

The ten chapters of the volume answer these ten fundamental questions and the clinician who faces an apical pathology of endodontic origin will therefore have the solutions. The aim of this text/atlas is to provide a guide to the diagnostic approach and to the execution of endodontic retreatments of complex cases.

NuEndo ReThinking... NuEndo ReThinking...

NuEndo ReThinking...

Prix 187,00 €

For the general dentist and the experienced endodontist alike, NuEndo is both a guide and a reference tool for the complex processes of endodontic diagnosis, prognosis, and case selection. You will come to fully understand the dynamics of the pulpal-dentin complex, the underlying conditions related to pulpal and periapical disease, and the methods surrounding its assessment.

Feline Emergency & Critical Care - book cover - veterinary book Feline Emergency & Critical Care - book cover - veterinary book

Feline Emergency &...

Prix 99,00 €

Successfully managing emergency patients and those with critical illness requires knowledge and skills often not adequately covered in veterinary and veterinary technician training programs. The Authors have created a comprehensive resource to use to grasp the issues and scope of problems inevitably encountered in clinical practice. The book's format is designed to allow readers to digest the broad range of topics inherent to feline emergency and critical care medicine.

Manual of oral surgery. III Edition - book cover - dentistry book Manual of oral surgery. III Edition - book cover - dentistry book
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Manual of oral...

Prix 179,00 €

The previous editions of this manual have enjoyed great appreciation; the didactic effectiveness, the clarity and coherence of the book have made it a reference for many students, as well as a practical guide for professionals and specialists. For this third edition, the majority of the chapters have been rewritten and new clinical cases have been added. The book is based on lavishly illustrated clinical cases. Also, given their frequency in oral surgery, proper space at the end of the book is given to the most common post-surgical complications, strategies of prevention, and management.

Algorithmes diagnostiques... Algorithmes diagnostiques...


Prix 79,00 €

L’approche par problèmes est la méthode recommandée par le Collège de Médecine Interne pour aborder et résoudre les questions et problèmes médicaux. D'où l'idée de créer un livre basé sur les algorithmes traitant des principales anomalies cliniques et de laboratoire du chien et du chat dans une perspective novatrice.

The Prosperous Dental Practice: A Guide to Building Financial Success - Dentistry book - Anthony S. Feck D.M.D The Prosperous Dental Practice: A Guide to Building Financial Success - Dentistry book - Anthony S. Feck D.M.D

The Prosperous Dental...

Prix 117,00 €

“Dr. Tony Feck defines the prosperous dental practice in all its aspects. From hiring, leadership, production, and growth, to profitability; no stone is left unturned. The roadmap to follow is clearly and concisely laid out for every dentist to follow. All you have to do is take the first step: read the book, cover to cover and start using the dozens of practical forms and outlines which Feck provides.” Dr. Christopher Phelps, DMD CMCT

The book will be available for shipping starting on July 31st

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Pourquoi être OMNIVORE
Pour votre santé et celle de la planète - Juan Pascual - Cover Book Pourquoi être OMNIVORE
Pour votre santé et celle de la planète - Juan Pascual - Cover Book

Pourquoi être OMNIVORE...

Prix 29,00 €

Cet ouvrage explore la condition omnivore des humains, analyse les grands défis auxquels le monde est confronté pour éradiquer la faim, étudie la production de nourriture nécessaire à une population croissante, et ce, dans le respect que l’on doit au bien-être des animaux. Sans esquiver aucun sujet, comme l’expérimentation en laboratoire avec des êtres vivants, les vaccins ou l’alimentation des animaux domestiques, le livre approche les considérations éthiques avec rigueur et en s’appuyant sur la statistique. L’auteur, vétérinaire réputé et ami des animaux, passe en revue tous les points de vue aujourd’hui au cœur du débat sur l’animalisme.

The Vertical Dimension in Prosthetis and Orthognathodontics - Book Cover - Dentistry book The Vertical Dimension in Prosthetis and Orthognathodontics - Book Cover - Dentistry book

The Vertical Dimension...

Prix 109,00 €

The Vertical Dimension is essential for a correct occlusal reconstruction and for rehabilitating the whole Stomatognathic System. The book offers a clear path towards the best possible management of the vertical dimension within which function's restoration and esthetic result coincide.

3D radiology in dentistry - 
Diagnosis Pre-operative Planning Follow-up - Book Cover - Dentistry book 3D radiology in dentistry - 
Diagnosis Pre-operative Planning Follow-up - Book Cover - Dentistry book

3D Radiology in...

Prix 99,00 €

The CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) is a real breakthrough for dentistry because it offers many advantages: low radiation dose to patients, high definition with very small voxels, the possibility to see the tooth and the surrounding structures in three different planes, overcoming any anatomical overlapping. The introductory chapters provide the reader with the knowledge and basic tools to understand the CBCT. Everything else is an atlas, highly enjoyable, which includes the use of CBCT in both clinical and surgical dentistry, and describes in details not only the diagnostic phase but also the operational use to program the individual case, and control the future outcome.

Errors and complications in surgery. Small animal surgery - book cover - veterinary book Errors and complications in surgery. Small animal surgery - book cover - veterinary book

Errors and...

Prix 83,00 €

This new book in the Small Animal Surgery series reviews some of the surgical errors and complications that may occur in daily practice when performing surgery. It is intended for surgeons starting their professional careers and residents, as well as experienced veterinary surgeons, since it must not be forgotten that errors can occur at any time, no matter how much experience one may have.

Feline endocrinology - Feldman Peterson Fracassi - Book Cover - Veterinary Book Feline endocrinology - Feldman Peterson Fracassi - Book Cover - Veterinary Book

Feline Endocrinology -...

Prix 149,00 €

This book is unique, developed by the main worldwide experts in this issue. It is an extremely valuable tool for any veterinary practitioner willing to deepen into physiopathology, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of feline endocrine diseases, with an approach and contents never published so far. the most common endocrine conditions in cats are deeply discussed and addressed: hyperthyroidism, type-II diabetes mellitus, and growth hormone excess.

Atlas d’interprétation... Atlas d’interprétation...

Atlas d’interprétation...

Prix 119,00 €

Cette deuxième édition, en plus d’offrir les bases de l’interprétation radiologique et du diagnostic des pathologies, élargit considérablement son contenu avec un chapitre sur les principes de la radiologie et un atlas de positionnement et d’anatomie radiographique, comportant des indications très claires et précises pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats lors du diagnostic radiologique. Il propose par ailleurs de nouveaux cas d’auto-évaluation et des vidéos de techniques fluoroscopiques et d’études radiologiques dynamiques, ainsi que des liens vers l’atlas en ligne de l’anatomie radiographique normale, accessibles via des codes QR. Ce livre restera assurément une référence pour tous les cliniciens vétérinaires. 

A practical guide to seizure disorders in dogs and cats - Veterinary book - cover book - Luisa de Risio - Karen Muñana

A practical guide to...

Prix 88,00 €

Presentation Seizure disorders are common in small animal practice. The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based resource to assist in the successful management of recurrent seizures in dogs and cats. The book’s format is designed to present a logical, clinically relevant approach to a seizure patient, with detailed information on the broad range of topics involved in the diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders. The clinical and diagnostic approach to the seizure patient is discussed in depth, with dedicated chapters on idiopathic epilepsy in dogs, the genetics of epilepsy, feline epilepsy, quality of life, advanced imaging and electroencephalography.

Fixed prosthesis with vertical margin closure - Book Cover - Dentistry Book Fixed prosthesis with vertical margin closure - Book Cover - Dentistry Book

Fixed prosthesis with...

Prix 139,00 €

The common idea that edentulism can always be solved with implants is questioned in this book given that the most recent literature highlights the higher risk of implant prosthodontics than traditional conventional toothborne prosthodontics. This book represents a procedural guide to the fabrication of full veneer crowns with vertical margin design. The preparation of the natural tooth as a prosthetic pillar is certainly a “traditional” procedure that is still one of the most common activities that dentists perform today and the so-called “vertical” preparation is given full credit in this book.

3D Joint Anatomy in Dogs. Main joint pathologies and surgical approaches - book cover - veterinary book 3D Joint Anatomy in Dogs. Main joint pathologies and surgical approaches - book cover - veterinary book

3D Joint Anatomy in...

Prix 77,00 €

A visual guide with a strongly educational approach covering the main joints in the limbs of the dog. It shows the anatomical elements of each of these joints in three-dimensional diagrams. The views chosen for each case have been selected for a practical purpose, showing the position of the elements involved in the most commonly used surgical approaches. It also describes the key orthopaedic conditions affecting each joint and the most commonly used surgical approaches. It contains a large number of images and illustrations, and a selection of views presented in digital video format.

Electrocardiography of the dog and cat. Diagnosis of arrhythmias. II Edition - book cover - veterinary book Electrocardiography of the dog and cat. Diagnosis of arrhythmias. II Edition - book cover - veterinary book

Electrocardiography of...

Prix 79,00 €

Electrocardiography of the dog and cat, 2nd edition provides all the theoretical and practical information necessary to understand and identify rhythm abnormalities. This text will be particularly useful to accurately diagnose complex arrhythmias using precise electrocardiographic criteria that the authors have developed by confirming mechanisms of arrhythmias with intracardiac electrophysiologic studies. This book is a must-have reference for anyone interested in learning the basics of electrocardiography and those who face the challenge of interpreting the most complex arrhythmias in a clinical or research setting.

Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond - Book Cover - Dentistry Book Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond - Book Cover - Dentistry Book

Bone, Biomaterials &...

Prix 59,00 €

The introduction of osseointegrated dental implants soon 50 years ago has indeed revolutionized dentistry. The scientific evaluation of their use has shown good and increasingly successful treatment outcomes. A prerequisite though is the availability of sufficient bone volumes to ensure integration and acceptable aesthetic results. In this book various surgical techniques, using different augmentation materials, are described and explained. The aim has been to highlight minimally invasive surgical techniques, which leads to less risk of morbidity and reduces treatment time. Readers will enjoy a comprehensive atlas providing some practical advice for everyday surgical practice based on solid scientific evidence.

Atlas of diagnostic cytology
in small animal - book details - Veterinary book Atlas of diagnostic cytology
in small animal - book details - Veterinary book

Atlas of diagnostic...

Prix 83,00 €

Atlases of cytology are an essential tool in small animal practice. Diagnostic cytology, which is used extensively in routine clinical practice, requires the most comprehensive cell identification possible. This is best achieved with the help of numerous images that reflect the most characteristic and distinguishing features of the different cytological patterns, and this book will therefore be of great use to the reader in the diagnostic process of many pathologies.

Surgical techniques. Small animal surgery - book cover - veterinary book Surgical techniques. Small animal surgery - book cover - veterinary book

Surgical techniques....

Prix 88,00 €

This new volume of the collection “Small animal surgery” is a selection of the main surgical procedures explained in the previous volumes. The greatest asset of this book is that it is based on high-quality videos, which accompany each of the surgical techniques. These are classified according to the degree of difficulty. This book is the result of the author’s thorough and careful work and is an essential resource both for veterinary professionals in practice and students of veterinary surgery.

Pediatric Dentistry II Ed. - Book Cover - Dentistry Book Pediatric Dentistry II Ed. - Book Cover - Dentistry Book

Pediatric dentistry...

Prix 169,00 €

In 23 chapters, the treatment of pediatric patients is examined in every aspect: from the approach to the patient, to prevention, to conservative treatment in carious pathology. A review of the endodontics and pharmacotherapy are some of the available updates, which complete the comprehensive overview of the discipline, along with the new chapters on miofunctional therapy, on the dental treatment of snoring and nocturnal apnoea syndrome, on the treatment of patients with disabilities.

Endodontics - Volume 1 and 2 - Dentistry book - cover book - Arnaldo Castellucci Endodontics - Volume 1 and 2 - Dentistry book - cover book - Arnaldo Castellucci

Endodontics - Volume 1...

Prix 299,00 €

The 2022 edition of Endodontics is a masterpiece. The book captures the endodontics of the past, the endodontics of now, its trends, and the endodontics of the future. Illustrates the changes in endodontic technologies: from evolutionary history to the preparation of a correct access cavity, cleaning and shaping and 3D filling, from interdisciplinary endodontics to post-endodontic restoration, no detail comes up omitted in describing treatment methods necessary for clinical success.

Visual Atlas of Dental Pathologies in Dogs - Book details - Veterinary Book Visual Atlas of Dental Pathologies in Dogs - Book details - Veterinary Book

Visual Atlas of Dental...

Prix 65,00 €

Dental care is essential to prevent dental and oral health problems in dogs. It is nowadays a routine procedure for most veterinary practices. However, some dental pathologies are sometimes really difficult to diagnose and treat. With almost 400 high-quality images, clear anatomical illustrations, and descriptions of numerous diagnostic tests, this atlas constitutes a reference handbook for a quick visual identification with a clear orientation towards a precise diagnosis and treatment. In short, this is an essential tool for a better understanding of dental pathologies in dogs.

Atlas of canine arthrology. Updated edition with 3d animations - Veterinary book - cover book - Atlas of canine arthrology. Updated edition with 3d animations - Veterinary book - cover book -

Atlas of canine...

Prix 95,00 €

In this practical atlas, the description of the anatomy of the dog’s joints provided in the previous edition has been completed and complemented with new tools, 3D animations, and self-evaluation tests that will help readers acquire knowledge and form a better understanding of joint anatomy and function – elements of great importance for each dog’s physical health and well-being.

Microsurgical Endodontics - Book Cover - Dentistry book Microsurgical Endodontics - Book Cover - Dentistry book

Microsurgical Endodontics

Prix 169,00 €

Microsurgical Endodontics, a term coined by the author himself, is a branch of Endodontics that allows to save dental elements otherwise lost and intended to be replaced with implants. The study of it means adding precious information to your knowledge in endodontics. There are many indications of intervention, always linked to the failure of a previous treatment and may include solutions that, once put into practice, can resolve clinically complicated situations in a single session. The text presents a complete examination of the diagnostic approaches, of the clinical procedures, of the necessary tools and of the possible complications that Microsurgical Endodontics involves.

Feline Gastroenterology - book cover - veterinary book - Fabio Procoli - Karin Allenspach - Silke Salavati Feline Gastroenterology - book cover - veterinary book - Fabio Procoli - Karin Allenspach - Silke Salavati

Feline Gastroenterology

Prix 99,00 €

The aim of this book is to focus on problems unique to the feline alimentary tract in comparison to dogs and to discuss them in detail, but also to highlight areas where knowledge is lacking or can only be derived from comparison with other companion animal species or humans. Instead of being a comprehensive work of “all things GI” in the cat, this book aims to shine a light on topics that are novel, such as the microbiome or probiotics, and might not have been covered by other standard textbooks. This book focuses on “a medic’s perspective” on feline alimentary tract health, which starts with considering differential diagnoses in a structured way based on the most common clinical signs. 

Canine and Feline Oncology. From Theory to Practice - book details - veterinary book - Guillermo Couto - Nestor Moreno Canine and Feline Oncology. From Theory to Practice - book details - veterinary book - Guillermo Couto - Nestor Moreno

Canine and Feline...

Prix 65,00 €
This book describes the essential aspects and the latest advances in oncology in a very instructive manner. It also includes a chapter about the most common tumours in daily practice, their protocols and recommended treatments, as well as real clinical cases and the most common chemotherapy protocols in cats and dogs.

Small Animal Emergency Care. Quick Reference Guide - book details - veterinary book Small Animal Emergency Care. Quick Reference Guide - book details - veterinary book

Small Animal Emergency...

Prix 40,00 €

This handbook about small animal emergency care contains the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the most common emergencies seen in small animal practice, classified by organ systems. For each emergency, a definition of the condition that has caused the situation, its causes, the diagnostic approach, and the most appropriate treatment is provided. The goal is to provide an easily accessible quick reference guide to save valuable time during stressful emergency medical cases.

Diagnostic Ultrasound in Cats - Book Details - Veterinary Book Diagnostic Ultrasound in Cats - Book Details - Veterinary Book

Diagnostic Ultrasound...

Prix 90,00 €

This book provides new insight into feline ultrasound in daily practice. From cranial to caudal, the feline species has been thoroughly scanned, detailing for each body region the scanning technique, as well as the ultrasonography of both the normal and the diseased organ. In each chapter, key points highlight feline species' special features and help the reader focus on the most important. Several short ultrasound clips are also available in the electronic version of the book, increasing, even more, the interest of this book: an up-to-date text and several references to the latest studies.

Clinical Cases of skin surgery - Book Cover - Veterinary book - Joaquin Sopena Clinical Cases of skin surgery - Book Cover - Veterinary book - Joaquin Sopena

Clinical Cases of skin...

Prix 83,00 €

Dr. Joaquín J. Sopena has gathered together for that work a remarkable team of national and international specialists in skin surgery in small animals, presenting a versatile work on clinical cases. The book will be structured in a practical and applied manner, aiming at providing a detailed description of each case, including the surgical technique and many pictures and step-by-step series. More than 30 clinical cases on skin surgery will serve as a guide for every vet in practice confronted for the first time to similar cases. This publication will be a reference guide for those veterinary surgeons whose intention is to improve clinical management of big wounds requiring one or several surgeries.

Veterinary physiotherapy and rehabilitation - Book Cover - veterinary book Veterinary physiotherapy and rehabilitation - Book Cover - veterinary book


Prix 45,00 €

Written by one of the most eminent specialists in Spain, this book enables veterinary surgeons to further their knowledge in physiotherapy and veterinary rehabilitation, as well as to discover the possibilities offered by this discipline in the treatment of musculoskeletal and nervous pathologies in pets.

Equine owner educational atlas.
Horses - cover book - Veterinary book - Equine owner educational atlas.
Horses - cover book - Veterinary book -

Equine owner...

Prix 75,00 €

Visual and technical atlas describing general concepts and details of the main diseases affecting horses. This atlas is designed as an aid to equine veterinarians who need to explain these concepts to horse owners in simple but precise terms.

Visual Atlas of Oral and Dental Pathologies in Cats - Book cover - Veterinary book Visual Atlas of Oral and Dental Pathologies in Cats - Book cover - Veterinary book

Visual Atlas of Oral...

Prix 65,00 €

Routine preventative dental care is essential to prevent dental and oral health problems in cats. With more than 400 high-quality images, clear anatomical illustrations, and thorough descriptions, this new volume on veterinary dentistry focused exclusively in cats aims at being a guide for quick visual identification and prompt diagnosis and treatment of oral and dental problems in this domestic species.

3D Cardiology in Small Animals - Book Cover - Veterinary Book 3D Cardiology in Small Animals - Book Cover - Veterinary Book

3D Cardiology in Small...

Prix 85,00 €

This is a pioneering book in veterinary medicine. The reader will be able to visualize what really is happening in a diseased heart. Through three-dimensional representation and augmented reality; every disorder can be seen, almost touching the 3D model above the book. The pathologies' changes in blood flow can be visualized, bringing the reader even closer to the pathophysiological reality. The text addresses the major points of pathophysiology and diagnostic keys for the most common diseases, and the illustrations and pictures are a bridge between the 3D models and the text. Thus, the book succeeds in joining diagnosis, particularly a test such as echocardiography, to understand the pathophysiology.

Orthopaedic pathologies of the Stifle Joint - Book Cover - veterinary book Orthopaedic pathologies of the Stifle Joint - Book Cover - veterinary book


Prix 83,00 €

This book deals with the main orthopaedic conditions of the stifle joint in dogs and cats, so veterinary surgeons can assess, diagnose and treat the disorders commonly seen in their practice. It is intended to help veterinary clinicians make a correct diagnosis and prognosis and establish the most appropriate drug or surgical treatment for each case. Orthopaedic pathologies of the stifle joint contains plenty of high-quality images and illustrations as well as links to videos through QR codes, which provide additional information and contribute to making the book even more practical.

The caudal abdomen - Small animal surgery - Book Cover - Dentistry book The caudal abdomen - Small animal surgery - Book Cover - Dentistry book

The caudal abdomen....

Prix 99,00 €

This publication explains step by step how to approach and carry out caudal abdomen surgeries, by means of photos, diagrams and real clinical cases. Real clinical cases are described, showing the most appropriate surgical interventions for each of them.. Essential both for practicing professionals and students of veterinary surgery.

Basic principles and techniques. Small animal surgery - book cover - veterinary book Basic principles and techniques. Small animal surgery - book cover - veterinary book

Basic principles and...

Prix 88,00 €

In this book, the authors have tried to show, in a brief and practical manner, the basic principles and techniques that veterinary surgeons, nurses and students should know, master and improve to enhance the surgical care provided to their patients.The book features chapters about the different methods and techniques to control bacterial contamination and surgical infection, both in terms of the fight against microorganisms and the surgeons’ and assistants’ practices in the operating theatre.

Echographie POCUS... Echographie POCUS...

Echographie POCUS...

Prix 74,00 €

Cet ouvrage, intitulé Échographie POCUS pleuro-pulmonaire chez le chien et le chat, a été conçu pour être une référence aussi bien pour les nouveaux usagers que pour les échographes vétérinaires expérimentés, déjà familiarisés avec l’échographie POCUS. Il propose de nombreux conseils, astuces et informations que nous jugeons, en tant que non radiologues ou cardiologues, particulièrement utiles pour étudier et contrôler la cavité pleurale et les poumons. Il offre une approche didactique étape par étape à la réalisation des échographies de la cavité pleurale et des poumons et s’appuie sur une structure par questions binaires pour permettre aussi bien aux novices de se former qu’aux experts de perfectionner leurs compétences.

Pet Owner Educational Atlas. Parasites. Diagnosis, Control and Prevention - Book details - Veterinary Book Pet Owner Educational Atlas. Parasites. Diagnosis, Control and Prevention - Book details - Veterinary Book

Pet Owner Educational...

Prix 75,00 €

This new atlas focuses on how parasitic diseases can be diagnosed, treated, and prevented, with a special emphasis on those aspects on which pet owners can have an influence. It includes a classification of parasitic diseases according to the organ systems they affect, parasites in exotic animals, and a description of the most important zoonoses transmitted by dogs and cats.

This new volume of the collection Pet Owner Educational Atlas aims to help pet owners gain a better understanding of parasites, always through their veterinary surgeon's explanations and recommendations. It continues with the goal established in the first work: helping veterinarians in their communication with the pet owners when it comes to explaining how a parasitic disease is affecting their pets.

Feline Ophthalmology. The... Feline Ophthalmology. The...

Feline Ophthalmology....

Prix 90,00 €

There is no doubt that cats are more and more popular as pets nowadays. It is therefore mandatory for veterinary surgeons to increase their knowledge on the diseases most frequently seen in feline practice. For that reason, the aim of this book is to provide the clinician with a visual guide to accurately diagnose and treat the most common ophthalmological eye disorders in cats. Feline Ophthalmology – The Manual is designed for veterinary surgeons in practice, final year veterinary students and those with a particular interest in feline species, especially in ophthalmology.